Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The past few weeks have been rather fruitful on the music front.  Final touches were put on an impromptu project, compiling/editing/rewriting previous components/settings of Christ’s seven last words into a new compilation/work, "Last Words from the Cross."  Plans for the Good Friday service were ironed out in discussions with Pastor Linda, pastor at Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd.  Two major differences from my previous compositions are, I incorporate congregational hymn singing as reflections on a few of the sections and the choir participates in only six of the eleven movements.

The choir has already begun preparing the movements they are singing.  Their openness to trying something new and out-of-the-box (for them) is very reassuring.  “Last Words from the Cross” will be premiered at the Good Friday Service (7 pm) at Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd on April 6, 2012.

This past week I began work on one of the planned major projects for the residency, a compilation of songs with a straight forward, Christian message geared towards children.  Pastor Linda challenged me to compose a small handful of “Jesus Loves Me” type songs.  The goal is to merge newly written text with music that will be sung by children and adults alike for years to come.  That being said, the first song is almost complete.  “Jesus is My Shepherd”, text by Kathryn Crumrine, will be a strong first entry for the compilation.  May God guide this endeavor.

That’s all for now.
God’s peace!